Cheryl Marriott’s talk at the People Place Nature Conference 5.10.24
Discovering your Nature Recovery Potential
Cheryl gave us of a few sobering figures and statistics which explain why we must do what we can to reverse what has so far been a relentless decline of Nature. She reminded us of the “Lawton principles” which are that Nature needs “More, bigger, better and joined.”
Cornwall Wildlife Trust is honouring these principles with its work on Bodmin Moor.
Windmill Farm on the Lizard is a rich nature haven, with wetland, ponds, thick sprawling hedges and wildflower meadows. Various volunteer groups are making great strides, for example the wonderful volunteers in the Your Shore Network local marine groups engaged over 10,000 people during 181 activities.
Addressing her audience, Cheryl asked us, “What is YOUR nature recovery potential. And to illustrate what she thought it might be she suggested an equation:-
Your Nature Recovery Potential = Motivation x (Situation – Constraints.)
Hmm – makes you think!! Can we up our game?