Wildlife Groundswell has been involved in testing the quality of the water in streams on the Lizard and Helford Rivers as part of the Westcountry Trust ‘Citizen Science Investigation’ project.
If you would like to take part in these activities please enquire by email. Team leaders Maggie and Charlie will be happy to answer your questions and welcome new volunteers.

Water voles versus mink


New Tool for Incident Reporting
Volunteers needed for reporting water pollution
The Environment Agency are trialling a new online pollution incident reporting tool to work alongside their telephone hotline

Stream testers’ update
Our group of stream testers had our second get together in June – this time with Zoe Smith from Westcountry Rivers Trust. In total, our citizen science project is now logging results for 41 sites, which is amazing! From general water quality on the Lizard to how to select a good site to test, read on to discover more…

West Country River Trust Talk
Thank you to all those who were able to make it to the talk at Rosuick Farm on Tuesday evening, 2nd July. Read on to find out what the talk covered.