Any Size Landowner’s Project
A summary….
We are a group of local folk who own, rent, manage or otherwise have influence over a piece of land of any size, but typically from gardens up to paddocks and smallholdings. We share a desire to include wildlife enhancement amongst the management aims for our plot of land.
Over the past year we have visited four very different sites hosted by group members, where we enjoy a guided saunter around the property and share our thoughts, experiences, ideas and challenges in relation to the different aspects of land management each site brings. So far we have discussed a range of topics, including tree planting and care, pond establishment, grazing systems, fruit and vegetable growing (including no-dig), pest control and small scale re-wilding. We have all learned so much, hearing about our different experiences, projects and ambitions.
After the walk round, we share a simple and convivial soup-based lunch, with more chat and sometimes a seed or plant swap. It's all very informal, and everyone is welcome.
We hope to start up again in the spring, and for more information please look out for updates on the Wildlife Groundswell website.
To contact Caroline and Julian, the project leaders, please email


‘Wilding’ at Trewoon Farm

Wildflower Meadow Safari
Any Size Landowner’s Group

A walk around Windmill Farm
A fascinating nature ramble through the Windmill Farm Nature Reserve on the Lizard guided by Dougy Wright. From finding adders to witnessing the first UK-born Vagrant Emperor dragonfly teneral freshly emerged, Maggie Freegard shares some highlights.

Ian Bennallick, County Plant Recorder, reports on Lizard wildflowers
From Pale Flax – which had not been recorded here since before 1950 – to Southern Marsh Orchid and rare gall midges, our National Meadows Day Safari revealed some less common sightings, as well as abundant wildflower species across Goongillings Farm, Kestle Barton and Windmill Farm.

National Meadows Day Safari
On Saturday 1 July, a good crowd of more than 70 people were entranced by stunning meadows in three locations on and around the Lizard. Birds and insects joined us all the way – from swallows, bumblebees, butterflies to rare European Field Crickets edging back from near extinction…

Wildflower Meadow Safari
Join us on walks around one, two or three beautiful Cornish wildflower meadows, with Cornwall County Plant Recorder, Ian Bennallick, as your guide – and a communal lunch at Kestle Barton.
Tree establishment, Ponds, Vegetables and Polytunnels
Any Size Landowner’s Group